Only one national agenda for the Papuan nation: General Mobilization Towards NATIONAL CIVIL PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (MSN) in West Papua territory. Take off factional politics, fight unity without boundaries of ethnicity, religion and groups.
Trada time for niceties, whiny, selfish, sentiment, competition, mutual selling and hostile fellow fighter people. Oppression, extermination, destruction do not wait for the miracle time to stop. This is a fact that is happening in silence.
Fighting People, People's Fighters!
This struggle belongs to the whole people of West Papua. It is the people who must determine attitudes: die in silence, or rise up against. Because enjoyment in Indonesian colonial rulers is an entertaining song on the highway leading to extermination.
Free Papua is in the hands of the Papuan people. The people are freedom fighters. Not countries and the United Nations out there. Because indeed they are not those who experience oppression from cruelty. They are actually happy if the West Papua homeland is controlled by Indonesia for the exploitation of natural resources.
The only weapon to expel Indonesian colonialism and global capitalism from West Papua territory is the conscious attitude of the West Papua people to refuse to submit to colonial and capitalist rule. And only losers who will be subject to oppression continue to disappear. Only traitors will let the land of water be destroyed.
West Papua People! prepare yourself to be a decisive fighter for Papuan independence. Fight consciously, peacefully and with dignity. Take back control of the struggle from the domestic West Papua revolution.
Mobilization I: Immediately build an alternative economic base towards National Civil Strike (MSN) starting from family, village (sector) to regional and national bases. Revive local food (open gardens, livestock, etc.) because MSN will stop all colonial and capitalist food products in West Papua territory.
Mobilization II: Immediately organize yourself, family and people from base, sector to regions in West Papua in the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) as the person in charge of MSN.
Mobilization III: Participate actively in discussions, notifications, seminars, prayers / fasting, as well as sectoral actions in finalizing coordination and being prepared early towards the guided MSN, while waiting for the schedule of the National Civil Strike.
The success of MSN is the highest measure of Papuan national awareness, as well as evidence that the Papuan nation is ready for its own country without being subject to tentindas under colonial and capitalist rule.
Let's mobilize towards West Papua National Civil Strike. Remember! People's Warrior People's Fighters.
We Must End:
- End Colonialism
- End Capitalism
- End militarism