WEST PAPUA:The rise of people's consciousness and the West Papua nation that was occupied and colonized by Indonesia.
1. Introduction
In this article the author write with the title: "Awakening Awareness of the People and the Nation of West Papua Occupied and Occupied by Indonesia." The topic of this article naturally arises important questions for us to answer together.
1.1. Is it true that Indonesia as a modern colonial nation is occupying and colonizing the people and nation of West Papua?
This answer depends on the perspective of what we value and we see and experience in today's reality situation in West Papua. We each have a lens for assessing what we believe to be right and wrong. Our two friends in The Spirit of Papua Group, Mr. Frans Ansanay & Edward Sitorus, have given answers about what they believe and stand up all this time.
Whereas the young generation of Indonesia has realized that their nation is occupying and colonizing the people and people of West Papua. The latest example, for example, Dr. Veronika Kusumaryati, an Antrologer maintains and holds the title of her Doctoral Dissertation in front of Examiners at Harvard University in the United States, namely: "Ethnography of a Colonial Present: History, Experience and Political Consciousness in West Papua."
Dr. Veronika believes in an anthropological, sociological and historical perspective that the Indonesian nation as the occupier of the modern era in West Papua / Indonesia is the invader today. She also saw the awareness of the people and the people of West Papua as a form of anti-colonialism in West Papua.
Every article writings, even books written by the author for almost 10 years since 2008-2018 is an integral part that is inseparable from building the nation's awareness. Various forms of responses to all the works of the author. Therefore, the author is grateful to God because He presented the readers in a world of reality in West Papua which is full of thorns of evil and evil.